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  • King of Kings

    One thing we learned from Genesis 1-11 is that God has a heart for the nations (1:28; 6:1; 11:9). He intended them to be people groups who would know Him, enjoy Him, and glorify Him. So, why don’t the nations fulfill God’s purpose? Rebellion! Rebellion of the nations themselves (Psalm 2:1-3) but also rebellion of His people (Genesis 11:1-9; Matthew 28:18-20). Rulers and the kings of the earth may think they are in control, but ultimately God is in control. The world may rebel against God, but one day they will regret they did not follow God. All authority belongs to the King of kings, Jesus Himself. And that’s our theme for the Easter season 2022, “King of Kings.” Sunday Mornings at 9:45am Sunday Evenings at 5pm (April 3 Tower of Babel – Gen 11) (Evening Worship Service) April 10 The Triumphal Entry of the King Lord’s Supper Celebration April 17 The Resurrection of the King No Evening Activities April 24 The Ascension of the King Evening Worship Service Along with our services, you may want to read these passages the week of Easter with our theme in mind: April 10 The King entering Jerusalem (Lk 19:18-40); Palm Sunday April 11 The King cleansing the Temple (Lk 19:41-48); Monday April 12 The King foretelling His death (Lk 20:1-18); Tuesday April 13 The King facing betrayal (Lk 22:1-6); Spy Wednesday April 14 The King observing the Lord’s Supper (Lk 22:7-23); Maundy Thursday April 15 The King offering Himself (Lk 23:26-49); Good Friday April 16 The King lying in the tomb (Lk 23:50-56); Silent Saturday April 17 The King appearing as He said (Lk 24:1-12); Resurrection Sunday Jesus’ followers are called to go to the nations. As subjects of the King, our assigned job is to make disciples of all the nations. It would be treasonous or rebellious not to obey our King. Keep the end in mind. God will gather His people “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev 5:9). Obeying the King means we will be His representatives in our homes, in our neighborhoods, at our places of business, at our schools, in our city, in our nation, and in all the nations. You are obeying God by seeking to bring others into His family. One day all will bow before the King (Phil 2:9-10); for many, it will be too late. Moreover, they will have missed the blessing and joy of serving the King during their lives on earth. For the glory of God, obey the King. For the good of others, obey the King. For your joy, obey the King...the King of Kings.

  • "Go Out!"

    God told Noah, “Go into the ark” (Gen 7.1). He was entering a season of difficulty, discouragement, and waiting as the flood waters rose and then subsided. The year he and his family were onboard the ship must’ve seemed like “forever.” Trials often have a “forever” feel. In the middle of a project, it can seem like you’ll never get finished. When you are sick, it can feel like you will never get better. When you are tired, it can seem like the end of the week will never arrive. Relief, rest, completion can seem distant, even elusive. Then, Noah heard the much-anticipated words, “Go out from the ark” (8:16). Talk about good news! Some call it a second creation. It was definitely a fresh start for him and all humanity. With Covid, we’ve felt some pretty tight restrictions over the last couple of years. I’m thinking we see the spring as a time to open the door with a renewed vigor, zeal, and urgency to all that we are called to do. I’m not saying, let’s go back; I’m saying, let’s go forward. Many wonderful things have happened in the past, but God has called us to live in the present. The present for us is making the best use of our time doing what followers of Christ do, make disciples. Who are you being intentional in leading to Christ (going)? Who are you being intentional to lead to identify with Christ and His church (baptizing)? Who are you being intentional in encouraging to grow in Christ (teaching). The words Noah heard, “Go out,” are the same words we need to hear as followers of Christ, “Go out!” You have people all around you without Christ and outside of a church family. Build a relationship. Share Christ. Invite them to church. Many are ready for a fresh start. You are God’s chosen instrument to make disciples of Christ. I hope you will be faithful to worship God corporately each of the Sunday mornings in March at Lawndale at 9:45am as well as fellowship with a Life Journey Group! You can be encouraged on each of the Sunday evenings as we gather at 5pm: March 6: Men’s and Women’s Meetings March 13: Evening Worship Service March 20: Lawndale Family Movie Night in the CLC (“Show Me The Father”) March 27: Evening Worship Service And on Wednesday nights, you have an opportunity to grow with others through a number of classes. You can receive the kind of training to prepare you for the sending. May the Lord allow you to hear those words in a renewed sense as we push forward this spring, “Go Out!”

  • We are Lawndale

    It’s always good to have markers to reflect back on. Here are a few markers from January for Lawndale, especially in regard to our study in Genesis: *We affirmed God created the world and a young earth. We know from Genesis 1-3 how we got here, why we are here, and what went wrong. Ultimately, we will give an account of our lives to our Creator. *We affirmed God created gender, male and female. He gave specific assignments for the man and the woman, and our obedience to Him affirms our trust in Him. Because men and women are made in the image of God, we are equal. At the same time, we are different because we’ve been given different responsibilities. *We affirmed the suffering, struggles, and death in the world are a direct result of sin. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God which infected all who would follow. The only remedy would be the seed of the woman (Gen 3:15; Gal 4:4), the Rescuer, Jesus Himself (Jn 14:6). For February, we will move toward the Flood (Genesis 4-6). Keep the churchwide memory verse before you and your family (Hebrews 11:1-3). What we believe about the beginning is a matter of faith. It is for everyone because only God, Adam, and Eve were there. I believe the Genesis account of creation because I believe the Bible; I also think it is the best (and most reasonable) option. God is the Cause, the Designer, the Creator. I’m loving the conversations we’re having with those who are following the church Bible reading plan through the New Testament. You can still catch up if you haven’t started. For most of February, we will be reading the Gospel of Mark. I so much appreciate Mark’s emphasis on Jesus as the Servant; He is the King (Matthew) and yet a Servant. A very simple outline could be: The Ministry of the Servant, 1-10 (coming, miracles, teaching) The Mission of the Servant, 11-16 (opposition, preparation, crucifixion, resurrection) On Sunday evenings at 5pm, watch for these opportunities: Feb 6 Worship Service (Singing, Curt Dean Preaching, Deacon Testimony) Feb 13 No On-Campus activities to allow for Super Bowl Fellowships Feb 20 Men’s and Women’s Gatherings Feb 27 Worship Service (Singing and Deacon Testimonies) Most of our Wednesday night classes are offered in a way you can join any time. Hope to see you at dinner (5:15pm) and/or one of the studies (6:15pm) over the next weeks. We have some of the best teachers, some great classes, and really good fellowship together. We are Lawndale, a biblical and intergenerational church. We strive for biblical worship, intergenerational ministry, a discipleship culture, family equipping, and leadership development. May God be glorified through us in February!

  • In The Beginning

    Donna and I are thankful for our Lawndale family! We loved every “Merry Christmas,” every card, every gift, but most of all your encouragement and fellowship over December. Paul said, “. . . they gave themselves first to the Lord, and then by the will of God to us” (2 Corinthians 8:5). We are humbled by your love and prayers. As we move into 2022, we begin a new series called “In the Beginning.” Over the next few months, we will study together Genesis 1-11. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a book in the Bible that told us how we got here, why we are here, and what went wrong? You already know this . . . there is, and it’s called Genesis! Genesis gives us a worldview from God’s perspective. We need this study to think more clearly about life. We, our children, and our grandchildren are hearing many confusing messages. There is a right way to think. God has made Himself, His purpose, and His plans known. As we make our way through this God-inspired book, we’ll study the foundations and history of our faith and also how it connects and flows into the New Testament. The Lawndale Scripture memory text for the study is a New Testament passage, Hebrews 11:1-3: Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the people of old received their commendation. By faith we understand that the universe was created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. Please work hard to commit this to memory; you will reap the reward of hiding God’s Word in your heart in defending your faith, growing your faith, living your faith and sharing your faith (Psalm 119:1-11). You will also be better equipped to teach these truths to your children and grandchildren (Deuteronomy 4:9). For 2022, I’m encouraging you to join our churchwide Bible reading plan. It’s a five day per week plan to read through the NT in a year. Every one of us can do this . . . including most of your children! It’s basically one chapter per day, so if you miss a day, you have two days over the weekend to catch up. Some of you may be committed to reading through the Bible in a year or another plan. You can do this plan alongside of what you are already reading. The average reader can read most chapters in the Bible in five minutes. I encourage you to 1) pray before you read, 2) read the assigned chapter, 3) mark what stands out, 4) find your best verse, 5) write down in a sentence or two why it’s your best verse, and then 6) talk to God about what He has said to you. You may think you don’t have time, but you can do this whole process in 15 minutes. You can also spend much more time, but can we not all give at least 15 minutes per day to grow in our faith? I urge you to pick up a copy of the plan in the lobby. My first sermon for 2022 will be, “Read Your Bible; Pray Every Day.” In the beginning of time as we know it, God spoke the world into existence. Let’s commit together in the beginning of 2022 to listen daily to our Creator as He speaks through His Word!

  • Christmas Gifts

    Christmas is the strong, loud message of salvation. God sent His Son on a rescue mission for those who would become His sons and daughters. It’s a supernatural, historical, and very personal story for all who place their faith in the Son of God and receive the free gift He offers. What a wonderful time of the year to have gospel conversations. All year is the right time to share, but at Christmas, many have an openness that’s like a door to the heart ready for a knock. They read Christmas cards about Christ. They attend special services at church and are likely to come over to your house for a neighborhood Christmas party. They may be more open to His gift than any other time. Pray for those God has put in your sphere of influence. Only God can change hearts. Be courageous to share about the meaning of Christmas (Romans 1:16). Ask about others experiences growing up. Give God room to move the conversation toward how Christ came and why He came. The gospel (His death, burial, and resurrection) will flow out the story of His incarnation. Invite. Lawndale will be celebrating Christmas throughout the month of December. The advent series on Sunday mornings is, “Christmas Gifts.” The darkness of hopelessness, division, hatred, and skepticism needs the light of hope, faith, peace, and joy. God offers these gifts by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. As a church family, you are being challenged to memorize Luke 2:10-11. The sermon series “Christmas Gifts” will primarily be taken from Luke’s gospel: And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Our friends, neighbors and family members need the gifts that only God can give. Invite them to one of our services at 9:45am. You could also bring them along for these events: Voices of Experience Concert, Dec 5 at 5pm Celebration of Christmas, Dec 12 at 5pm Christmas Eve Services, Dec 24 at 4pm and 10pm God will grow us stronger in our relationship with Him as we focus on Him, meditate on His incarnation, and celebrate His generosity in providing salvation for all who believe. And as we sow seeds of the gospel, God will give the increase and bring about a harvest for His glory and His church. Pray together that Christmas 2021 will be a Christmas to remember as we worship together and share the message of His gift, the only gift that can make people right with Him and ready to stand before Him!

  • Feeding Your Neighbor

    The letter of 1 John has a lot to say about love. If God is love (4:16), it makes sense that His children would love Him and each other (4:19). Love is part of the believers’ new DNA as they live out of the new heart given at the new birth. Of course, it’s one thing to love fellow believers. It’s another to love those who may not be in the family of God. They think differently, live differently, and may not understand you. God has sovereignly placed you in your neighborhood around people who need His love. You are the means He has chosen to make His love known. Would you go the extra mile to bless someone in your neighborhood this year during the Thanksgiving season? Here are a few suggestions: Bake cookies, a cake or pie to give away Invite a neighbor to a meal, maybe even Thanksgiving meal Take over a home-cooked meal Give a voucher or gift card for a meal Help with the leaves You can express your faith by including a note. You can share a Bible verse and an encouraging word with any item you pass along to someone. A few examples include, Psalm 23; John 3:16; Philippians 1:9; Colossians 1:3; 1 John 3:1. I would also encourage you to pray for your neighbors by name. Get to know them and ask if they have anything you can pray about for them. Some draw maps of their street and put the names of neighbors on the map as a reminder to pray regularly. Lawndale is a generous group of people. Over the years, you have given away food for thousands of people, especially at Thanksgiving. Due to your generosity, we have enough funds available for our “Drive-through Feeding of the 5,000” this year. So, we are asking you to take what you would’ve given for this event and use it to feed and bless a neighbor. As you get to know your neighbors, spend time with them, and pray for them, be sure to invite them to Lawndale where they can meet other followers of Christ. I hear it often that our guests feel welcomed by members. I really believe when people attend, they will receive a warm welcome, hear the Word of God preached, and experience an intergenerational worship service. Making disciples isn’t complicated. It might just start with feeding your neighbor a homemade chocolate cake!

  • Weekly Family Meetings at Lawndale

    We are commanded to gather and worship God with brothers and sisters who follow Christ. We worship God every day as His children, but how else would we encourage one another (Heb 10:24-25) and be equipped for making disciples (Eph 4:11-12) but to gather as His family regularly? Each week we need this family meeting. I think you would be hard pressed to find very many churches that intentionally gather as a people from all age groups, intergenerationally, to pray, to sing to God, study His Word, fellowship together, and treat each other like family. I’m loving that we get to do so at Lawndale. It doesn’t just happen. We naturally tend to divide across all kinds of differences, including age. We supernaturally, by the grace of God, meet together, genuinely care for each other, and learn how to appreciate the differences. “Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in Him there is no cause for stumbling” 1 Jn 2:10. God graciously gives us the opportunity to grow in assurance of salvation by how we love each other. As we love, we stand stronger, and we stand even stronger together. I’m grateful for the people who help us love others and love God when we gather. Eddie Clark has given much time and effort as our interim music leader because of his love for Christ and His church at Lawndale. We are blessed to have Eddie (and his family) as members of our family. On October 10, you will meet a young man named Noah Darnell who I believe will lead us well into the next era of Lawndale’s worship and music ministry. Noah has exceptional music abilities, a family background of vocational ministry, and more importantly, a call from God to lead His people to worship Him as a family. Noah is a young man of high character and seems to fit our ministry staff well. He has met with our staff, personnel committee, music leaders, and choir. I like that he is young; he complements the gray hair behind the pulpit. But I also like that he is able to lead ancient hymns, old hymns, and new hymns. Whether you see him as a brother, a son, or even a grandson, I believe you will love Noah and his heart for serving our great God. Take note of the schedule moving forward: Oct 3 at 5pm Lawndale Family Meeting to hear from staff Oct 10 at 5pm Noah Darnell leading a service of song and praise Nov 1 Noah begins as Director of Music and Worship Since Noah will be serving as a Director on staff, his hiring does not require a vote. However, as he completes requirements for ordination, the church will be asked to approve and affirm his call to Lawndale for pastoral staff. I’m beyond grateful for so many of you who pray for our staff regularly. We feel and see the results of your praying. Continue to pray for us, Noah, and our Lawndale Family!

  • Finding Our New Rhythm

    God doesn’t typically give us assignments that are convenient or that are comfortable. If that has been your experience, you might want to double check who you’ve been following. When I read the Bible, I find God’s people being stretched beyond themselves. God asked Abraham, Moses, David, Mary, Peter, and Paul to do what none of them were capable of themselves and what none of them signed up for. In some ways, we all want to get back to “normal.” However, that’s not really an option. We live in a more different world than we ever have. And even though we have the same message, the same Book, and the same address, God is calling Lawndale to do what we’ve never done before . . . make disciples in 2021, a time that is unlike any of us has ever experienced, in a culture that is different, in a community that is different, with a staff and congregation that are different. Even though we can’t return to “normal,” I’m looking forward to finding a new rhythm. Covid brought many changes. Reopening the church brought changes. The staff had an unusual moment to pray and to seek wisdom in how to move forward. We had our “crisis of belief” and passed it along to you. With some time to let the new path forward settle, I’m even more convinced we are moving in the right direction. I can’t wait for our first service with “Lawndale together.” One service for one body for our One Great God. With God’s help, we can be the biblical and intergenerational church He’s called us to be. What’s required of you? Be proactive. Pray, adjust, get to know people that maybe you’ve never met or at least never talked to before. Learn names. Sit somewhere else for the sake of someone else, and count others as better than yourself. I thank God He has called us for this time and for His glory. It’s a privilege to serve God with you! I’m not sure many churches would be willing to move in a new direction when called upon. But I believed Lawndale would. You have proven over the years that you are willing to sacrifice, give, love each other, reach the community, and invest in the next generation. Let’s find our new rhythm together and do the work God has given us in the days we have left on earth. New Series: 1 John: That You May Know You Have Eternal Life Family devotionals as well as Men’s and Women’s discussion guides will be available for pick up in the lobby soon. You can begin now working on the church-wide memory passage for this 10-week study, 1 John 5:11-13 (ESV).

  • Who's Your Twelve?

    One of our core values at Lawndale is establishing, growing, and encouraging a Discipleship Culture. If Jesus made disciples and commanded His followers to make disciples, what else would we do but make disciples? This includes being intentional in helping people understand what it means to be a follower of Christ as well as helping people grow in following Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). A disciple is a learner or a follower. A disciple of Jesus is one who has placed his faith in Jesus, is learning more about Him, is following Him, and is encouraging others to follow Him. True disciples make disciples. Discipleship happens from the pulpit. Pastors equip the congregation by teaching the Scriptures. It also happens in small groups when believers gather in LJGs, D-Groups, and other settings to discuss the Bible. And finally, it happens one on one. Have you ever been discipled one on one? I think this is a missing component in most churches. What a difference it would make to have more mature followers of Christ invest in others. Part of the beauty of an intergenerational church is having older, more mature believers interacting, encouraging, and discipling younger believers. My wife, Donna, is hard at work equipping some of our older ladies in how to make disciples with our younger ladies. I have 4 Thursdays in August I’ll be meeting with some of our older men to train them in making disciples with younger men (1:30pm-3:30pm). May God make this the culture of Lawndale! Pray that the younger generation will seek out discipleship, and pray the older generation will seek to make disciples. We are all responsible to be and make followers of Christ. Not long ago our convention had a theme, “Who’s your one?” It was a great encouragement for witnessing. Let’s take it a step further, “Who’s your twelve?” Jesus spent 3 years of ministry investing in 12 men. Who are you investing in? Who’s your twelve?

  • Serving God Together

    We get to do a lot of special things during the summer (including VBS, children’s camp, student week, GAP mission trip, not to mention meet weekly for worship), but here are a few other things the staff is working on: Church revitalization. An opportunity from a sister church in our association, Reedy Fork Baptist Church, has arisen. We’ve been asked to come alongside them and present a proposal to bring their people and facilities under the leadership of Lawndale. Our responsibility would be to shepherd their people and plan a relaunch of the church. They vote on our plan July 11. If accepted, we would bring the plan to Lawndale for approval July 25 at our quarterly business meeting. Please pray for wisdom as we consider this request. Our plan would be a 3-5 year process of replanting an autonomous church to reach their community with the gospel. Fall ministry. Plans are being made to present what Lawndale will look like in September by way of Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday nights as well as the church culture as a whole. We’ve been praying through children’s, students’, and adult groups as well as intergenerational meetings. Don’t be surprised if you see a few changes to how our family looks. With God’s help, we will be a biblical and intergenerational church. Membership calls. The staff is committed to contacting all church members during July and August. We take seriously our job to shepherd the flock. We want to know how you are doing, pray with you, and hear from you. Music Ministry. I’m thankful for the men and women who have stepped up to lead us in our time of transition. Eddie Clark has been a huge blessing as an interim. Annaliese Paris, Maureen Burns, Paul Marth, and Jenny Newkirk have also provided much needed support. I’m thankful to have our choir singing again. You as a congregation have been patient as we’ve worked on experiencing worship intergenerationally. We continue to pray and listen to your input. Keep praying God sends us the man to lead us long-term, but in the meantime, pray for these leaders as they give of themselves to sacrificially serve. I’m blessed to serve with a great staff and with a great congregation. But even more, I’m blessed to serve a great God with you. Join me in praying for God to do what only He can do over the summer and in the fall, “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

  • God's Leading for Lawndale

    As I enter the 4th month of being the Senior Pastor at Lawndale, I hope you’ve already heard my heart about the direction I’m leading Lawndale toward. I’m prayerfully leading us to be a biblical and intergenerational church. I’m convinced the way we do this and the way we most effectively serve God together is by: 1) Biblical Worship 2) Intergenerational Ministry 3) Discipleship Culture 4) Family Equipping 5) Leadership Development Pray God will bring the man of His choosing to help us in our music and worship ministry. Pray for great and sacrificial love between the older and younger generations, that the older, more mature, will gladly sacrifice for the younger, and that the younger will gladly learn from the older. May the world see what a united church looks like! Pray also for Family Equipping. Moms and dads need God’s help, each other’s help, and the help of the church. I’m very thankful to present a Next Generations Team, led by Pastor Kevin Weisman, that will help us partner with parents in the great ministry they have been called to do: make disciples at home. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). Director of College Ministries - Luke Earwood Assistant Pastor of Student Ministries - Zach McCraw Assistant Pastor of Children’s & Family Ministries - Kyle Earwood Director of Next Generations Girls’ Ministries - Cassie Taylor Since two of these are pastoral roles, you will be asked to approve Zach and Kyle by a churchwide vote on June 13 by ballot. You will also have an opportunity to meet and interact with them on June 6 from 3:45pm-4:45pm in the Christian Life Center. These two men and their wives have met with the Personnel Committee and the Pastors as part of the process and come to you with unanimous support. This team, I believe, will allow us to focus even more on equipping families and partnering with families in the discipleship of the Next Generation! Pray the gospel is faithfully passed down to the next generation. (Judges 2:10).

  • What is Revival?

    Our current sermon series is “Revive the Church: a Verse by Verse Exposition of 1 Timothy.” What would revival look like if Lawndale experienced it? It may not be what you think. Some would say a series of services with a dynamic speaker, plenty of people at the altar, along with lots of tears. Maybe that would be good, but that’s not revival. It’s interesting to go back and read Jonathan Edward’s work “Distinguishing Marks of a Work of the Spirit” in reference to revival. After identifying some wrong ideas, he proceeds to give 5 evidences. Let me summarize them in my words and very concisely: 1) A deeper devotion to and appreciation of Jesus 2) Spirit-led repentance 3) Greater engagement and respect for God’s Word, the Bible 4) A collective acceptance of truth by God’s people 5) Greater love for God and people If this is revival, “God, please send revival in my life and at Lawndale. We need You, desire You, and long to know You better, to enjoy You more, and to glorify Your name. We cry out for revival, for You to get the glory that You deserve and for Your fame to spread in our families and in our community. We ask, not because we deserve it, but to make Your great name known. In Jesus’ name, amen!” Join me in praying for revival in your life, in your family, in your church family, and in your community. And I hope you will join me as we continue making our way through 1 Timothy!

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