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Christmas Gifts

Christmas is the strong, loud message of salvation. God sent His Son on a rescue mission for those who would become His sons and daughters. It’s a supernatural, historical, and very personal story for all who place their faith in the Son of God and receive the free gift He offers.

What a wonderful time of the year to have gospel conversations. All year is the right time to share, but at Christmas, many have an openness that’s like a door to the heart ready for a knock. They read Christmas cards about Christ. They attend special services at church and are likely to come over to your house for a neighborhood Christmas party. They may be more open to His gift than any other time.

Pray for those God has put in your sphere of influence. Only God can change hearts.

Be courageous to share about the meaning of Christmas (Romans 1:16). Ask about others experiences growing up. Give God room to move the conversation toward how Christ came and why He came. The gospel (His death, burial, and resurrection) will flow out the story of His incarnation.

Invite. Lawndale will be celebrating Christmas throughout the month of December. The advent series on Sunday mornings is, “Christmas Gifts.” The darkness of hopelessness, division, hatred, and skepticism needs the light of hope, faith, peace, and joy. God offers these gifts by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.

As a church family, you are being challenged to memorize Luke 2:10-11. The sermon series “Christmas Gifts” will primarily be taken from Luke’s gospel:

And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Our friends, neighbors and family members need the gifts that only God can give. Invite them to one of our services at 9:45am. You could also bring them along for these events:

  • Voices of Experience Concert, Dec 5 at 5pm

  • Celebration of Christmas, Dec 12 at 5pm

  • Christmas Eve Services, Dec 24 at 4pm and 10pm

God will grow us stronger in our relationship with Him as we focus on Him, meditate on His incarnation, and celebrate His generosity in providing salvation for all who believe. And as we sow seeds of the gospel, God will give the increase and bring about a harvest for His glory and His church.

Pray together that Christmas 2021 will be a Christmas to remember as we worship together and share the message of His gift, the only gift that can make people right with Him and ready to stand before Him!


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