So Many Reasons to be Thankful
Dear Lawndale Family,
The month of November brings to mind our wonderful national celebration of Thanksgiving Day. I would like to thank each one of you for providing me with so many reasons to be thankful to our heavenly Father. I am thankful for a church that unashamedly stands on the Word of God. I am thankful for a church that is committed to the Great Commission. I am thankful for a church that is filled with true believers that are ready to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. I am thankful for a church that ministers to the people that are outside of the walls of this building. I am thankful for the love that has been showered upon me over the past twenty-one-plus years. I am thankful for God’s provision of wisdom and guidance throughout the years of my journey here at Lawndale. I am thankful that I have never gotten over the joy of my salvation. And I am most thankful that our Lord has afforded me the privilege of serving as the Senior Pastor of this church alongside of such a dedicated and sincere body of believers.
I will always fondly remember and cherish my journey here with you. You ARE the salt of the earth. My love and my heart will always remain with you.
God’s Richest Blessings, Dr. Joe
