"Go Out!"
God told Noah, “Go into the ark” (Gen 7.1). He was entering a season of difficulty, discouragement, and waiting as the flood waters rose and then subsided. The year he and his family were onboard the ship must’ve seemed like “forever.”
Trials often have a “forever” feel. In the middle of a project, it can seem like you’ll never get finished. When you are sick, it can feel like you will never get better. When you are tired, it can seem like the end of the week will never arrive. Relief, rest, completion can seem distant, even elusive.
Then, Noah heard the much-anticipated words, “Go out from the ark” (8:16). Talk about good news! Some call it a second creation. It was definitely a fresh start for him and all humanity.
With Covid, we’ve felt some pretty tight restrictions over the last couple of years. I’m thinking we see the spring as a time to open the door with a renewed vigor, zeal, and urgency to all that we are called to do. I’m not saying, let’s go back; I’m saying, let’s go forward. Many wonderful things have happened in the past, but God has called us to live in the present.
The present for us is making the best use of our time doing what followers of Christ do, make disciples. Who are you being intentional in leading to Christ (going)? Who are you being intentional to lead to identify with Christ and His church (baptizing)? Who are you being intentional in encouraging to grow in Christ (teaching). The words Noah heard, “Go out,” are the same words we need to hear as followers of Christ, “Go out!”
You have people all around you without Christ and outside of a church family. Build a relationship. Share Christ. Invite them to church. Many are ready for a fresh start. You are God’s chosen instrument to make disciples of Christ.
I hope you will be faithful to worship God corporately each of the Sunday mornings in March at Lawndale at 9:45am as well as fellowship with a Life Journey Group!
You can be encouraged on each of the Sunday evenings as we gather at 5pm:
March 6: Men’s and Women’s Meetings
March 13: Evening Worship Service
March 20: Lawndale Family Movie Night in the CLC (“Show Me The Father”)
March 27: Evening Worship Service
And on Wednesday nights, you have an opportunity to grow with others through a number of classes. You can receive the kind of training to prepare you for the sending. May the Lord allow you to hear those words in a renewed sense as we push forward this spring, “Go Out!”