No Worries
One of life's simple pleasures for me is driving my car with the convertible top down. I enjoy the feeling of being connected to the outside environment. Sometimes, while shopping or going out to eat, I will park my car and leave the top down. This often elicits a similar response from people that see me walking away from my car. "Nice car! Aren't you worried about somebody stealing it?" I usually respond with a "Thank you," followed by, "No, I'm not worried about that. I pay the insurance company to worry about that." The fact is, worry is a robber. It robs joy and replaces it with fear. Worry is a peace robber. It robs peace and replaces it with anxiousness. Worry is an energy robber. It zaps energy and replaces it with fatigue. What do I do when I find myself allowing worry to have free rent in my brain? I remember my divine insurance policy. I Peter 5:7 tells me to, "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." If I'm in 'good hands' with an earthly insurance company, how much more so am I in the hands of Almighty God? Worry is for pagans, not for those who are by faith called the children of God. Worry wants to replace my trust in God with doubt and negative thoughts. And, unlike earthly insurance policies which cost me lots of dollars, God paid the way for me to have full assurance and insurance in His unfailing character and care. Blessings, Dr. Joe