Do Not Be Overcome
Battles are an inevitable part of life. Believers are not exempt from problems and struggles. We should not be surprised. Jesus clearly states in John 16:33 that we are living in a troubled world. In fact, in this passage, Jesus promises that we will have troubles. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
It is important to remember two significant truths when we find ourselves in the midst of a ‘battle’. The first truth has to do with Satan. He wants to destroy us through the ‘battle’. The second truth has to do with Jesus. He wants to develop us through the ‘battle’! That is why he has left us the precious promises found in John 16:33. “In me you may have peace.” Not the absence of problems, but the presence of peace. Jesus also told us to “Take heart.” That is, don’t give up, don’t let go, and don’t be overcome with discouragement. Why? Because our peace is found in the one who has overcome the world. In Him, we are not overcome, we are overcomers. He is our victory!
Blessings, Dr. Joe