Pandemic Pornography
Did you know that many recent studies show the age of first-time exposure to pornography is 8? How about that around 80% of children’s unsought after pornography exposure occurs in the home? Did you know that statistics show pornography addiction is becoming more prevalent among girls and women than ever before? And that neural changes observed in the brains of regular pornography users are similar to the changes seen in cocaine and methamphetamine addicts?
As we assess the current cultural landscape and seek the Lord for how we might respond, we have planned a wonderful program that will be a great beginning of a layered response to a war that has been waged on our children, grandchildren, and all of us. The infiltration of pornography and the fact that it is just a click away has ushered in a problem that does not just affect those outside the church … we are all vulnerable!
We hope that you will mark your calendar, invite others, and attend this two-week program entitled “Pandemic Pornography – What does the church do now?” It will be offered at both 9:15am and 10:45am on October 14th and 21st.
On the 14th, we will take a deep dive into the problem itself, look at research and statistics, the emotional, psychological, spiritual, and even physiological consequences of porn use. And then we will talk about how social media and popular communication apps are used for sexting and porn access.
On the 21st, join us as we discuss how to “porn-proof” your home and what to do if you find that your child or grandchild has been exposed to and/or using pornography.
This program is designed to be informative and helpful for parents, grandparents, childcare workers, teachers, and anyone who recognizes the problem of pornography and wants to work toward a solution. We encourage every church member to attend one of the sessions on each Sunday!