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Guided By His Word

Hello Lawndale Family,

Thank you for your prayers and support. As you know, we are living in unchartered waters regarding many governmental, health and safety issues. Day to day information from the media, church members and health department sites are being taken into account. This knowledge is being used to formulate the best future meeting scenarios for our church body. Thank you for your patience and understanding. I’m sure that you are aware that we are dealing with a huge moving target with a multitude of organizational implications.

That aside, there is great news for those of us whose lives are guided by the Word of God. HIS WORD is not in unchartered waters! It has anchored the hearts of faithful followers for thousands of years. Famines, wars, rebellions, pandemics and a host of other troublesome events have not budged the anchor. Our citizenship is in heaven, the true home of eternal righteousness and peace. For now, we are sojourners and aliens that are called to stand for truth on this fallen, sinful, disappointing earth. So for now, we will continue to shine light into darkness.

We will continue to shine as a beacon of hope in a world that seems to grow darker by the day. And we will heed the words of the Psalmist that extend from ancient days to today, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path,” Psalm 119:105.

Blessings, Dr. Joe

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